Non Surgical Root Canal

When is Root Canal Therapy Needed?

Teeth are innervated in two different areas.  We have nerves around the roots and also a nerve at the center of the tooth.  For different reasons the nerve at the center of the tooth can die.  As the nerve decomposes, bacteria and infection accumulate.  The infection slowly expands out the root and into the bone causing pressure and sensitivity.  The infection is termed as an abcess.  At this stage, a root canal is needed.

What Is The Process?

The infected tooth is places under anesthesia.  An access opening is created on the top of the tooth.  The dead nerve and debris are cleaned out of the nerve canal.  Once cleaned, the access opening and canal are restored.

What Are The Materials Used?

The canal is filled with a type of natural rubber and cement.  The access is restored with a composite plastic.  In most cases a crown is placed on the tooth for protection.